Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

Present & Past Tense


Simple Present
Rumus active : S + V1 + O
Rumus Passive : O + tobe + V3
Ex : Active : I bite a Bread  (menggigit)
       Passive : the bread is bitten by me 

Present Future
Rumus Active : S + Will + V1 + O
Rumus Passive : O + Will + Be + V3
Ex : Active : I will break the glass ( memecahkan/merusak)
       Passive : The glass will be broken by me

Present Perfect
Rumus active : S + Have/Has + V3 + O
Rumus Passive : O + Have/Has + Been + V3
Ex : Active : She has sung a song (menyanyi)
       Passive : A song has been sung by her

Present Continuous
Rumus Active : S + tobe + V-ing + O
Rumus Passive : O + tobe + Being + V3
Ex : Active : He is blow a balloon ( Meniup )
       Passive : A Balloon is being blown

 Present Future Perfect
Rumus Active : S + Will + Have + V3 + O
Rumus Passive : O + Will + Have + Been + V3
Ex : Active : We will have built a building (membangun/membuat)
       Passive : A Building will have been built by us

Present Future Continuous
Rumus Active : S + Will + Have + Been + V-ing
Rumus Passive : O + Will + Have + Been + Being + V3
Ex : Active : My brother will have been burning the trash (membakar)
       Passive : The Trash will have been being burnt by my brother

Present Perfect Continuous
Rumus Active : S + Have/Has + Been + V-ing + O
Rumus Passive : O + Have/Has + Been + Being + V3
Ex : Active : I have been driving a truck ( mengemudi/menyetir)
       Passive : A truck have been being driven by me

Present Future Perfect Continuous
Rumus Active : S + Will + Have + Been + V-ing + O
Rumus Passive : O + Will + Have + Been + Being + V3
Ex : Active : He will have been paying the tax ( membayar)
       Passice : The tax will have been being paid by him


Simple Past
Rumus Active : S + V2 + O
Rumus Passive : O + tobe + V3
Ex : Active : Chika selling a computer ( menjual )
       Passive : A Computer was sold by chika

Past Future
Rumus Active : S + Would + V1 + O
Rumus Passive : O + Would + be + V3
Ex : Active : I Would drink the juice ( minum )
       Passive : The juice would be drunk by me

Past Perfect
Rumus Active : S + Had + V3 + O
Rumus Passive : O + Had + been + V3
Ex : Active : Divi had eaten the noodle ( memakan )
       Passive : The noodle had been eaten by divi

Past Continuous
Rumus Active : S + tobe ( was/were ) + V-ing + O
Rumus Passive : O + tobe ( was/were ) + being + V3
Ex : Active : Dira was swimming in the pool ( berenang )
       Passive : In the pool was being swum by dira

Past Future Perfect
Rumus Active : S + Would + Have + V3 + O
Rumus Passive : O + Would + Have + Been + V3
Ex : Active : They Would Have won that prize (memenangkan / juara )
       Passice : That prize would have been won by them.

Past Future Continuous
Rumus Active : S + Would + Be + V-ing
Rumus Passive : O + Would + Be + Being + V3
Ex : Active : I would be fixing your mobile phone ( memperbaiki )
       Passive : Your mobile phone would be being fixed by me 

Past Perfect Continuous
Rumus Active : S + Had + Been + V-ing + O
Rumus Passive : O + Had + Been + Being + V3
Ex : Active : My Father had been wearing a jacket ( memakai )
       Passive : A jacket had been being worn by my father

Past Future Perfect Continuous
Rumus Active : S + Would + Have + been + V-ing + O
Rumus Passive : O + Would + Have + been + Being + V3
Ex : Active : My sister would have been writing a story ( Menulis )
                      A Story would have been being written by my sister 

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